Lengthy Wills stating unnecessary, redundant, repetitive statements are not a good idea.
Long Wills making unnecessary statements only end up costing the estate more eventually. Probate lawyers are entitled to charge a fee for perusal of the Will. The longer the Will the more perusal fees are chargeable.
If you come across a Will template that provides clauses for the adoption of your pet, for declaring what sort of burial you should have plus a long list of 'options' do not think it is the best thing that you can have because it is not.
Stick to what the Will must say - who your beneficiaries are, what do you wish to give to each beneficiary, who you want as your executor/s, who you want as your guardian.
The unnecessary things you can write in an accompanying letter, essay, poem (or even a song if you must) but it should not be part of your Will.
People who insist of having long Wills stipulating everything (eg the songs to be sung at their funeral service) merely exhibit the extent they wish to continue controlling things after they are gone.
Do not try to 'control from the grave'. There needs to be an end.